Cycling 470km for Bristol Charity Above and Beyond

For those who know me you’ll know I am a keen cyclist which is why I am proud to say… I have sponsored my father in law to cycle 470 km from Bristol to Paris for the Above and Beyond charity.
I could quite possibly have joined in but I thought on this occasion I am being far out shone. Only last year Simon underwent a full knee replacement. Like some bionic hero he was back on the bike within just a few weeks and set his target at cycling these mega miles today.
The longest day on the ride is 95 miles. A whopping 153 km.
We have cycled nearly this far together for a charity ride previously in 2017 where we cycled 88 miles for Bristol Sport Break the Cycle event. This took place on the hottest day of the year and was a real scorcher.
Back to the matter in hand I am proud to sponsor, and Rixxo are proud to sponsor Simon cycling to raise £150,000 for the hospital charity.

Above and Beyonds mission is to make a real difference to patients, their families and the staff who treat them in Bristol city centre hospitals. With the generosity of our donors and supporters we fundraise to:
- Create welcoming environments.
- Provide world class facilities and the latest technology.
- Fund innovative research.
- Support staff training and development.
Our values at Rixxo are much the same with a focus on innovation, a belief in better and putting those who experience our creations first.
If you would like to donate and help hit that target of £150,000 to support Bristol hospitals you can head over to the Everyday Hero page for the event.
Good Luck Simon!!