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Klaviyo is a marketing automation platform powered by your customer data. It’s designed to create automated, hyper-targeted messages at scale, facilitating faster and more efficient growth for businesses.

Key Features

  • Omnichannel Messaging: Klaviyo offers a range of messaging options, including email marketing, SMS marketing, mobile push notifications, and customer-written reviews.
  • Analytics, Data Science, and AI: Klaviyo provides comprehensive customer profiles, accurate attribution for conversion tracking, product recommendations, and AI-powered writing assistance.
  • Segmentation: Klaviyo allows you to create real-time segments to target people using any mix of profile and activity data from across your tech stack.
  • Integration: Klaviyo can be integrated with over 300 other platforms, making your customer data work harder for you.

Klaviyo is trusted by over 100,000+ brands in 80+ countries. It’s not just a marketing automation tool; it’s a comprehensive platform that helps you fully understand your customers and reach them with personalised messages

A fast, reliable and scaleable Klaviyo integration

We take the time at the start of all integrations to understand the current manual process. Once we've captured your requirements we can manage the entire process or work with other departments to efficiently deliver your integration.

Browse:Klaviyo integrations by popularity

Klaviyo integrations in order of popularity on

Big Cartel / Klaviyo
Hybris / Klaviyo
WooCommerce / Klaviyo
Shopify / Klaviyo
WP Ecommerce / Klaviyo
Global E / Klaviyo
Constant.Co / Klaviyo
Adobe Commerce Cloud / Klaviyo
Shopware / Klaviyo
BigCommerce / Klaviyo
SAP / Klaviyo
The ODB™️ / Klaviyo

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